Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mah famous BluCheese & Anchovie Olive by Griz

Make'm's the deal.............they are a pain in the ass to make but worth every minute.

1. Start with the largest olives you can find, I use Queen size, take the pimento out. If you are not in the boonies like me you may to be able to buy very large olives without pimento.

2. I use jar'ed Anchovies, take one anchovie and cut it in half (unless ya got really big olives) roll it up like a jelly roll, place it in the olive.

3. Take your favorite Blue Cheese, cut off a chunk and place it in the olive sealing the hole.

4. Place in your favorite Martini........eating one'o these is a unique experience.....savor it.

After I put this recipe up on TT last year, some non drinkers have told me they made these for hor'dourves.

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