Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Whatcha Got On Hand Salmon by PaganMama

Li, here's a quick 'n' easy fish dish you might like to try. It's very much a whatcha got on hand dish more than a recipe. But basically I take a couple of salmon filets and cut a slit almost all the way through the center, horizontally, to make a pocket. Then I chop up fresh spinach (or frozen would work just fine) and mix that with (here's the DYI part) garlic, chopped onion, chopped red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, maybe some feta, black olives, pine nuts -- whatever goodies you have on hand and think would taste good together. Stuff as much as you can into the "pockets" and put the rest under the filets in a pan. Roast until the fish flakes easily -- not long, probably 8-10 minutes. With some rice or couscous on the side, this makes a yummy and good-looking meal.

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