Friday, November 16, 2007

Boereks by Sicut Cervus

Holiday appetizer: BOEREKS

(Turkish pastry, made every year by the thousands as a fundraiser, by the staff and parents of the nursery school all three of our kids went to. We usually buy four boxes of 2 dozen). They are made with fillo pastry, which you can buy frozen in l lb. boxes.

Read the instructions on the fillo box for how to defrost, handle and store fillo.

BOEREKS (50 boereks)

6 oz. cream cheese
6 oz. feta cheese
2 eggs
2 - 3 T. milk
1 c. cottage cheese
2 T. Parmesan
1 c. parsley
2 T. dill
pinch salt

Mix all ingredients (a Cuisinart works fine)

To assemble: Use 1/2 lb. fillo, 1 stick butter. Melt the butter (microwave is safest and least messy).

Cut fillo sheets in quarters. Brush each sheet with butter; place a dab of filling about 1" from the near edge of each quarter, centered between left and right edges. Fold the right and left sides of the pastry sheet over the filling in thirds, resulting in a narrow shape 3 layers thick with the dab of filling tucked into the front end. Roll this up (neither very tightly nor very loosely) front to back. Place on a buttered baking sheet. Brush tops of rolls with melted butter.

May freeze at this point.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

If frozen, bake at 370 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

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